IRO Program

The Rocky Mountain NIRI chapter has a program in place to help support our members who do not have the benefit of being reimbursed by an employer for attending our meetings: the IRO (Independent Resource Opportunity) program.

If your company does not reimburse you for attending NIRI meetings, or if you are not currently employed but want to network with other NIRI members and benefit from the educational programs, the IRO program is for you!

To qualify, you must be an existing Investor Relations Officer (i.e., a practitioner) member or you must have been one within the past three years. The IRO program provides for partial sponsorship of the meeting fees for qualifying individuals on a first-come, first-served basis, thereby lowering the cost to the qualifying NIRI member.

To apply for sponsorship and to get more information on the amount of the discount for each meeting, all you need to do is submit your confidential request for sponsorship to Heathe Cooper via We will notify you whether or not you are one of the first five requests. You can be sponsored up to two times a year.

So don't let the fact that you may unemployed, under-employed or not being reimbursed by your company keep you away from the NIRI Rocky Mountain Chapter meetings. Be one of the first five people to contact Heathe Cooper and you could be sponsored for the next NIRI meeting.